Phone Are you ready to make a payment? Making payments is easier than ever. Just submit a payment request to your Savvy Travel Group agent and we will handle the rest! Your account will be updated when the payment has posted. All payments are processed through the supplier you have travel booked with. Reservation Number * Payment Method * Card on File New Form of Payment Gift Card or Rewards Card Amount You Wish To Pay * Payment Date * *Please note that you are not making a payment by submitting this form. Your Vacation Specialist will process your payments for you within 24 hours of receipt. If paying with a card not on file, please enter your new Credit Card Information: Name as it Appears on Card Billing Address, if different than on file Credit Card Number Expiration Date CVC PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying with a Disney Gift Card, we require that you consolidate all cards on Disney Gift Cards can be consolidated up to $1000 each. Please maintain possession of the gift cards. In the event you have to cancel your vacation, all payments will be refunded to the original form of payment. If using a Gift Card or Reward Card, please enter the number(s): Travel Insurance Please quote travel insurance. I decline travel insurance for my vacation. I acknowledge that Savvy Travel Group offered travel insurance. I already have travel insurance. *Please Note - Travel insurance may be added up until the time of travel. However, if you would like a "Cancel For Any Reason" policy or to cover pre-existing conditions, this must be added within 15 days of your deposit. Travel Insurance is recommended by Savvy Travel Group to protect you from situations that could cause your vacation to be canceled, interrupted or delayed which could result in a loss of time and money. Please contact your agent to discuss options and insurance providers available for your reservation(s) and pricing. Authorize Payment * I authorize The Savvy Travel Group to provide my credit card/payment to the supplier for my booking. *A receipt will be emailed to you when payment has been applied. Please print this page for your records.*